Expert Legal Presentations by Flanary Law Firm, PLLC
Comprehensive Topics Covered by Our Attorneys
- Robert O. Dawson Juvenile Law Institute. ”Synthetics360: Latest Trends, Court Rulings, Detection and Testing,” February 23, 2016
- Bill of Rights: HCBA Criminal Law Conference 2016, ” Government Surveillance, Cell Towers & K-9,” January 29, 2016
- TCDLA Upholding Justice One Client at a Time, ”Jury Selection- with Focus on Sexual Assault Cases,” October 30, 2015
- SACDLA and TCDLA Against All Odds, ”Gorilla Trail Tactics,” August 28, 2015
- TCDLA Rusty Duncan, ”Cross-examination,” June 18-20, 2015
- TCDLA Training Your Defense Team to Win, ”Information Technology and Communication Skills,” April 17, 2015
- Nuts ”n” Bolts Seminar, ”Significant Cases 2014,” November 13-14, 2014
- TCDLA Criminal Law Power Update, ”Cellphone Technology and Searches, ” October 20, 2014
- TCDLA Training Your Defense Team to Win, ”Information Technology and Communication Skills,” January 16, 2014
- Cell Phone Surveillance and Searches Texas Bar CLE; Webcast, March 18, 2014.
- Synthetic Cannabinoids Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Drug Seminar, Houston, Texas, March 7, 2014.
- Cell Phone Surveillance and Searches Texas Bar CLE; Sex Drugs and Surveillance, Houston, Texas, January 9- 10, 2014.
- Criminal Defense as it Relates to Gun Cases Texas Bar CLE; What Every Texas Lawyer Needs to Know About Fire Arms Law, Ft. Worth, Texas, September 27, 2013.
- “Why government sponsorship and/or participation in the National Day of Prayer is a violation of the 1st Amendment” Workshop Leader/speaker First Amendment Workshop, San Antonio Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, San Antonio, Texas, September 21, 2013.
- Electronic Surveillance and Tracking Post Jones 26th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law Course, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Hyatt Regency, San Antonio, Texas, June 13-15, 2013.
- K-9 Searches and the Fourth Amendment, Post Harris and Jardines 26th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law Course, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Hyatt Regency, San Antonio, Texas, June 13-15, 2013.
- Emerging Issues in Search and Seizure Laredo-Webb County Bar Association, Laredo, Texas, October 26, 2012
- Criminal Defense as it Relates to Gun Cases Texas Bar CLE; What Every Lawyers Needs to Know About Fire Arms Law, San Antonio, Texas, September 28, 2012.
- Search, Seizure, and Dogs “Attacking K-9 Evidence” Cross Examination Seminar, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Dallas, Texas, April 27, 2012.
- Search and Seizure; Emerging Issues The 49th Annual Criminal Law Institute, Double Tree Hotel, San Antonio Bar Association, March 23-24, 2012.
- Search, Seizure, and Dogs; “Attacking K-9 Evidence at Border Patrol Checkpoints Criminal Law Trends and Updates, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and Laredo-Webb County Bar Association, Laredo, Texas, October 28, 2011
- Search, Seizure, and Dogs; “Attacking K-9 Evidence at Border Patrol Checkpoints Laredo Mock Trial CLE, Webb County Bar Association, Laredo, Texas, April 1, 2010.
- Search and Seizure, and Dogs; “Woof, Woof, Judge, I Swear” Survival Trial Tactics Seminar, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Laredo, Texas, January 8, 2010
- Search, Seizure, and Dogs: “Woof, Woof, Judge, I swear” NORML Legal Seminar, Pier House, Key West, Florida, December 3-4, 2009.
- Search, Seizure, and Dogs: “Woof, Woof, Judge, I Swear” San Antonio Bar Association 46th Annual Criminal Law Institute, April 17-18, 2009.
- The Endless Drug War: No Winners, Only Casualties; Understanding the Real Costs of U.S. Drug Policy The 17th Annual Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law Course, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, June 10-12, 2004.
- The Endless Drug War: No Winners, Only Casualties; Understanding the Real Costs of U.S. Drug Policy The 41st Annual Criminal Law Institute, San Antonio Bar Association, April 16-17, 2004.

Ready to take action? Reach out to us today and let's start working towards your legal goals together. Whether you have questions about your case, need immediate assistance, or want to schedule a consultation, our experienced team is here to help.

Why Choose Flanary Law Firm, PLLC?
At our firm, we always want our clients to feel empowered when defending against criminal charges. We aim to constantly communicate with our clients, answering questions and taking feedback as we progress through the case. We are always here to answer your questions or adjust your legal strategy as needed.
With multiple decades of experience between our attorneys, we have a history of proven results and happy clients. We always aim to get a criminal case dismissed or have the charges lowered to reduce any penalties our clients are facing. We are confident we can get you the results you deserve.
At our firm, we pride ourselves on the diverse range of criminal cases we have worked on. From federal felony charges to state misdemeanors, we know exactly how to build a defense strategy that's right for you. Our team can handle even the most complex cases and are willing to be flexible with our strategies.
We understand that all criminal cases work at different paces. Whether you are just looking around for a lawyer because you're under investigation or you need immediate representation, our team can help. We will work with you no matter where you are in the process to protect your rights.
We understand that hiring a criminal defense attorney is a big decision that many people need time to make. That's why we offer all our potential clients a free consultation to see if we're the right legal team for them. We will review your case and begin building a legal strategy to defend your rights.
All criminal cases are different, so our dense strategies are too. We would never re-use a legal strategy from one client to the next because your case is too unique. We will always build a defense strategy that's personalized and effective for you to get the outcome you deserve.